The Farbest Team
The customer always comes first – it’s a value shared by all of us here at Farbest. That’s why we’re always accessible and committed to applying our extensive experience in application development, technical service, market trends, and logistics to help our customers solve problems and reach their goals.

Daniel M. Meloro
President and Chairman
"Farbest is second to none in representing the most ethical manufacturers and products in the world. We are constantly visiting suppliers looking for the ingredients our customers need for their changing markets."

Bob Claire
Senior Vice President
"As a partner at Farbest Brands, I am particularly proud of the strong relationships we've developed with our customers and suppliers. The can-do attitude displayed by our employees throughout the organization has been essential in managing our customers' needs."

Chip Jackson
Senior Vice President
"Over the 30-plus years I’ve been with Farbest, the driving factor of the company has been customer service and it will always be that. We want to make the customer happy. I enjoy coming up with solutions to make operations quicker, faster, and easier for our customers. Those are fun challenges to solve."

Brent Lambert
Vice President Sales
"We care deeply about our customers and we tell the truth. We place a huge emphasis on good service, value, communication, and partnership so that our customers can make great decisions."

Michael Sepela
Sales Director
"At Farbest, we believe in building strong relationships with our customers and supply partners that last a lifetime. If you’re looking for quick responses, great results, and high-quality ingredients – look no further. I’m always looking for better supply solutions and unique ways to work with our global partners."

Michael Sutich
Director of Business Development
"At Farbest, we’re very invested in our partnerships with our suppliers. We do everything we can to ensure they have what they need when they need it."

Joe Rios
Technical Sales Manager
"At Farbest, we don’t just think of ourselves as an ingredients supplier – we’re the bridge between our customers and supply partners. We’re committed to understanding our customers application and ingredient demands so we can supply exactly what they need, when they need it. That’s how we drive real value."

Chris Bourque
Manager of Product Lines
"I believe in the company’s commitment to truth and honesty – transparency with our suppliers and customers is key to building long lasting relationships and driving further growth."

Louis Greco Jr.
Product Manager
"I’m looking at every ingredient from a holistic health and nutrition perspective. How will it affect a product’s taste and texture? How will it affect an actual human being? Those are the questions I’m asking on every product line."

Ashley Cao
Product Manager
"I have the knowledge to find win-win business solutions with the world’s leading manufacturers—and to help our customers make better decisions."

Shakirul Alom
Quality Assurance & Compliance Manager
"I’m driven by data, and I take a systematic, strategic approach to problem solving. I view quality regulations as an opportunity to strengthen Farbest’s relationships with its customers and suppliers. Together, we can use regulatory compliance to elevate our position in the marketplace."

Peggy Falanga
Customer Service Manager
"I’m a good listener, I’m honest and forthright, and I’m a creative problem solver who’s dedicated to the individual needs of our customers."